
SEO Content 2020

How To Write SEO Content For E-commerce Category Pages

Any SEO expert worth their salt know that when Google’s John Mueller talks, you listen! Recently, he was interviewed by Marie Haynes: the conversation led to some incredible insights to SEO content. We look forwarding to implementing these changes as part of our BigCommerce SEO best practices. Let us help you with our Google friendly SEO category content modifier BigCommerce Add-On. I’m going to use his information to answer a few common questions:

Do I  Need Content On My E-Commerce Site?

How Do I Write SEO Content For Product Categories?

How Much Content Do I Need For Google?


Do I Need Content On My E-Commerce Site?

Yes. Google is in the business of providing shoppers with search results consisting of quality information regarding products. 

How Do I Write SEO Content For Product Categories?

John Mueller explained that if you have too much informational content before the products, it can confuse Google on whether your site is informational or product based. From what Mueller described, it seems the best way to now write content on the product categories is as follows:

  1. Write a couple sentences explaining why someone should buy these particular products, what needs they fulfill, etc.
  2. Right below this block of text will be the products.
  3. Below the products is where the next set of content will be located. This is mostly the content explaining how these products relate to other products on your site with internal links pointing to other pages within your site.

This should provide Google with the correct information to determine you are selling products, while still maintaining enough informational content to satisfy your customers and drive them to other parts of your site, much like an in store sales person would do. Below is an example.

How Much Content To Write SEO

How Much Content Do I Need For Google?

There is no character minimum or maximum. You should always write based on what you think your customers need to know about the products and how it is related to other products you sell or services you offer. You can no longer get away with writing content as follows: “You will love our product a, product b, product c, and also our product d.” 


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