How To Write A Meta Description

Meta Description Example

Here you can see an example of a meta description. This is where you see the meta description. A well written meta description can get more clicks than higher ranking pages. In this blog we will be providing some tips and trick to writing a meta description more likely to get clicked.

What Is A Meta Description?

Meta descriptions are found on Google Search Results Pages (SERP’s) below the title link. You can find how to write title tags for SEO in another blog we have. Unlike title tags, meta descriptions have no direct impact on ranking. Generally, you write a sentence or two about what is on the page, like products or services. It could be a good idea to also include any shipping discounts, free shipping, sales, phone numbers, or anything that would entice a shopper to click your listing over your competition.

Meta Description Length

The correct meta description length is up for debate. For a long time, it was said around 150 characters including spaces was the limit. Google recently updated their algorithm to allow for a longer meta description, up to 300, given they deem the content necessary and helpful to searchers. We still aim for the 150 target, but will go longer if it seems important. Just like anything else we can check analytics and live results to determine if an update needs to be made.

We hope you found this information useful and feel comfortable writing your own meta descriptions. If you still have questions or need more help, feel free to contact us using the form below. Stay tuned for our next blog in the series on how to do SEO where we dive into the most important aspect of onsite SEO: content. Given the timing of the blogs, we will be posting it next Monday, after Christmas.


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