
GTIN Panic Mode

I wanted to write this as I’ve seen an increase in crackdowns on Pay Per Click (PPC) accounts I manage without GTIN’s. I’ve seen whole stores shut down, because they have what should be in their GTIN or UPC section, as their SKU. If Google sees this, they will not hesitate to disapprove every single product you have, until the UPC’s or GTIN’s are placed in the correct area.

Invalid GTIN Google Merchant Center

What Are GTINs?

A GTIN is a Global Trade Item Number, often times submitting by manufacturers. It’s the main way Google verifies products in your Google Merchant Center feed are in fact what customers expect them to be. 

In the image above, you can see for North America, you generally is use the UPC as your GTIN. 


Why You Need GTINs Filled Out

Google is in the business of making sure the results people see, whether organic or paid ads, deliver the best possible experience. GTIN’s are the closest way Google can verify you are selling what you claim to be selling. If Google believes your products ought to have GTINs, but they don’t, Google will disapprove all items without them, which could be your entire store. 

 What If I Sell My Own Products And There Are No GTINs?

If you sell your own products, you likely do not have GTINs, but fret not, there is a way around it. According to Google Merchant Center Help about Product Identifiers, you need to add code in that tells search engines that identifiers do not exist. See Image Below:

Products Without GTINs

If you need help with your GTIN’s, Merchant Center Feed, or anything else regarding your pay per click campaigns, feel free to reach out to us!

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